Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to a company’s commitment to act ethically and contribute to the sustainable development of the environment and the society in which it operates, beyond its legal and economic responsibilities.

CSR and people with functional disabilities
Companies should be accountable for guaranteeing that people with functional disabilities have the same opportunities as the rest of society, and for breaking down unfair barriers preventing these people from fully participating in the labour market and in society in general. To this effect, diversity and inclusion policies and practices can be implemented. CETEM works actively to provide a more autonomous and independent life for people with functional disabilities, both in the workplace (adapting workstations and tasks) and in learning environments, and at home (home automation and smart homes. In addition, CETEM promotes the sign language learning in order to facilitate communication for people with hearing problems (winning several European awards).
Equality in CSR
In Corporate Social Responsibility, equality involves the obligation of companies to promote fairness and equity in the labour and social spheres. Equality is a business approach seeking to balance economic profit with the social and environmental impact of its operations. It is also a way of managing a company that implies taking responsibilities beyond its legal obligations, such as caring for the environment, respecting human rights and promoting equality.
CSR in companies
Companies in any sector or size face the challenge of understanding how to integrate CSR into their strategy in a comprehensive and integrated way as a level for competitiveness. As a sign of its commitment to sustainable development in the Triple Bottom Line (social, environmental and economic), CETEM is involved in various national and international projects.
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Josefina Garrido Lova
R+D+I Management & OTRI
Contac with Josefina
(+34) 968 75 20 40