
Materials, Adhesion and Polymers

Our Materials Area was built in 2009 with the aim of supporting furniture companies in the development of innovative activities related to materials.


Its main lines of research focus on the development of materials with improved and innovative properties, as well as on the reuse, recycling and upcycling of materials used in the furniture industry, promoting the transition of this traditional sector to a circular model.




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Green and sustainable chemistry and bio-based solutions


Synthesis and formulation of bio-based and/or low-toxic materials, mainly polyurethane-based materials for wood coatings and flexible foams, as well as other materials commonly used for wood coatings and for adhesive resins in wood panels.


Strategies and processes for recycling specific materials used in the furniture industry.


Development of composite materials for furniture applications with low environmental impact.




Nanomodification of materials to improve them or confer innovative properties, especially polymers for wood coating and adhesives, and for flexible polyurethane cellular materials.




Use of micro-organisms and enzymes to
biodegradation, recycling and recovery of materials
valorisation of materials.


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Virtudes Navarro Bañón
Materials, Adhesion and Polymers .

Contac with Virtudes
(+34) 968 75 20 40


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