Circular Economy | International |


Fecha de inicio: 10 May 2022 Fecha de finalización prevista: 30 Apr 2024

The main and overall objective of the SE4CE project is to involve and train older people in green and sustainable Circular Economy topics as well as in digital digitisation necessary for them to be involved in the future and in turn to achieve high quality adult education, fostering lifelong learning. The primary target group (people aged 60+) will be directly addressed by a high quality digital adult education programme on Circular Economy, which can be shared and used directly by adult education and further education providers. To reach the primary target group even better, a specific digital training for trainers working with older people in care/retirement contexts has been developed.

 Project web
Código de proyecto - Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Project n. º 2021-2-AT01-KA220-ADU-000048101

Expected results:


A curriculum (including learning content) on Circular Economy for seniors, with 2 levels of EQF to ensure compatibility with the diverse learning needs of people over 60.


A curriculum and learning content (EQF 4) for the Circular Economy in the care and retirement sector, including a train-the-trainer programme for staff to use SEN4CE training with their clients.


Digital applications for the Circular Economy, enabling seniors to achieve EQF 2-3 in skills related to digital tools.


Digital training materials based on the concepts and curricula defined in the project, using digital tools such as Articulate or Powtoons software.


SEN4CE digital environment to share and promote the tool for digital training courses.

Project partners


Future Balloons


E seniors

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