22 July 2024 - CETEM News

CETEM recognised as a Knowledge Transfer Office by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.

CETEM is officially recognised as a Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.

The Furniture and Wood Technology Centre (CETEM) has received an important recognition by being officially registered as a Knowledge Transfer Office (OTC) by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. This achievement, identified with the Register No. 34, is framed in the Royal Decree 884/2022 of 22 November, which regulates these offices at national level.

The importance of being a Knowledge Transfer Office


A Knowledge Transfer Office is essential to connect research with the market, in this case especially with the furniture market. Specifically, CETEM’s mission as a CTO is to facilitate that the advances in R&D&I (Research, Development and Innovation) reach the furniture sector and society, transforming scientific knowledge into practical applications that solve real problems.


Main functions of the Knowledge Transfer Offices


The new TTO is born as an update of the Research Results Transfer Office (OTRI), created in April 2006 and in accordance with Royal Decree 884/2022, TTOs play crucial roles in fostering innovation and economic development. In its new role, CETEM is committed to:


  • Protection of R&D&I results: Ensure that technological discoveries and developments are protected by patents, copyrights and other forms of intellectual and industrial property.
  • Commercialisation: Facilitating the commercialisation of inventions and new technologies through contracts allowing their use or transfer of ownership to third parties.
  • Collaborative research: Promote joint research projects between public and private entities, ensuring that scientific advances translate into tangible benefits for industry and society.
  • Provision of R&D&I services: Providing specialised services in research, development and innovation to other entities, strengthening the research capacity of the environment.
  • Dissemination of knowledge: Ensuring that scientific advances and discoveries are accessible to the public, promoting a culture of innovation and knowledge.


A significant step for CETEM


This recognition as a Knowledge Transfer Office reinforces one of CETEM’s strategic pillars and its commitment to innovation and competitiveness in the furniture and wood sector. With this new status, CETEM not only strengthens its dedication to excellence in R&D&I, but also positions itself as a key player in knowledge transfer, benefiting industry, society and the scientific environment.


José Francisco Puche, director of CETEM, says: ‘The transfer activity that we have developed from the OTRI will be strengthened in this new phase. Our purpose is to offer a service to the furniture sector, promoting research and protecting its results. We also want to facilitate the collaboration of researchers with the productive economy of Yecla and the entire Region of Murcia, as well as bringing scientific advances closer to society’.


Impact and future


The OTC status will allow CETEM to open new opportunities for collaboration and technological development. This recognition not only values the effort and dedication of the CETEM team, but also enables them to lead knowledge transfer in their sector, driving technological progress and economic development in a sustainable way.


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