Electronics and Home Automation
Created in 2008 to cover the demand of integrating digital solutions into furniture products to provide them with intelligent properties, the Electronics and Home Automation Department has extended its collaboration with several industries.
This department conducts applied research in several areas, such as Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), eHealth, Ambient Intelligence (AmI), Automotive Industry and Intelligent Waste Management.
Its work focuses on underlying technologies such as sensors and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), the Internet of Things (IoT), wearable technology for monitoring, Cloud Computing and Machine Learning (ML).

Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)
Tailor-made solutions for activity monitoring in furniture and wearables using ML for supporting in care services.
Ambient Intelligence (AmI)
Optimising the use of buildings or homes, including aspects such as energy efficiency and comfort.
Internet of Things (IoT)
Developing IoT systems with intelligent ML-based decisions to any type of applications and final environments.
Embedded systems, WSNs and wearables
Design, programming, management and deployment of tailor-made electronic systems, wireless sensor networks (WSN) and low-power wearable devices.
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Rafael Maestre Ferriz
Electronics and Home Automation, Director
Contac with Rafael
(+34) 968 75 20 40