VITEC-2020 project
The objective of the actions of the VITEC-2020 project is aimed at improving access and management of scientific and technical knowledge to the companies that make up the business fabric of the Region of Murcia.
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CETEM through the project “VITEC-2020 – TECHNOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE AND DISSEMINATION OF STRATEGIC INFORMATION RELATED TO IN THE FURNITURE SECTOR”, AIMS TO effectively update and improve the Technological Surveillance and Information Dissemination activities that have been carried out continuously in the Center since 2008.
To this end, CETEM will develop in a systematized manner throughout 2020 the activities that allow it to: identify the information needs of the sector, capture scientific-technological, economic, legislative, social, competitive, market information, etc., both external and from the organization itself, select it, analyze it, disseminate it and communicate it, turning it into essential knowledge for decision-making, both in the strategic field (marking strategic lines of R&D&i of CETEM as well as of the entire business fabric of the furniture and wood sector of the Region of Murcia), as well as in the operational field (development of new products, services or processes), always making it available to companies.
Expected results:
Increase in the specialized knowledge acquired by CETEM and by companies in the furniture sector, in the areas defined as strategic, so that said knowledge allows reducing uncertainty in decision-making and allows the advancement and technological development of the industrial sector of the Region of Murcia.
To be a benchmark as a technology provider for companies in the Region. CETEM will keep companies informed through online media (CETEM WEB page, newsletters, social networks, etc.), and the events organized in our facilities (conferences, seminars, etc.). In addition, Technological Surveillance Reports will be produced that are fully accessible to companies on a quarterly basis, the content of which will include the most relevant information collected and analyzed throughout the quarter, about the main technologies considered strategic for the furniture sector.
Detect the future lines of R&D&i in our areas of specialization, to be able to predict the information needs of SMEs in the region of Murcia.
Encourage the development of new ideas and/or R&D&i projects that give rise to new products on the market.
Achieve greater participation of SMEs in R&D&i activities, encouraging the culture of Innovation and Technological Surveillance.
Expand the innovative capacity of organizations.
Promote internal collaboration between members of the organization, as well as external collaborations between competing companies and between companies in the sector and CETEM.