The objective of the MATCOMP initiative is to carry out research work for the development of composite materials (composites) resulting from the agglomeration of lignocellulosic fibers, from wood or other lignocellulosic materials, for their application in products intended for the habitat sector (furniture , paneling, etc.).
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Expected results:
Knowledge of experimental procedures and optimal conditions for obtaining adhesives from specific renewable or natural sources.
Improvement of knowledge on the synthesis procedures of adhesives with high renewable content as a potential sustainable alternative to current urea/formaldehyde-based adhesives and the influence of various experimental variables of the synthesis process on the final properties of the final adhesive obtained.
Knowledge of adhesive synthesis procedures from other renewable or natural sources, as another more sustainable alternative to conventional urea/formaldehyde-based adhesives, and of the final properties of the adhesives obtained by this synthetic route.
Knowledge of procedures for obtaining composite materials, and final properties obtained for said materials, from the revaluation of natural and/or synthetic waste from other industrial sectors.
Knowledge about the potential for developing more sustainable composite materials from the recycling of by-products and/or natural and/or synthetic waste with high added value to meet new environmental requirements.
Improvement of the R&D&I competencies of the Materials Area of the Furniture and Wood Technology Center (CETEM) by addressing the use of innovative technologies that offer the possibility of facing future developments in the field of research into materials for base adhesives polyurethane with high bio content and free of isocyanate, as well as more sustainable composite materials from the recycling of natural and/or synthetic waste.
Project partners
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