Bonding materials and polymers | National |


The aim of the project is to study the chemical formulation of polyurethane gels with optimum properties for application in the upholstered furniture and rest sector.

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Main activities



• To establish the influence of the chemical nature of polyols and polyisocyanates as well as the isocyanate/polyol ratio used in the synthesis of polyurethane gels on the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the final product obtained.
• To establish the effect of the incorporation of additives in the chemical formulation of polyurethane gels on their final physical, chemical and mechanical properties.
• To determine the feasibility of the use of polyurethane gels in the furniture and wood sector, as well as in the rest sector, and to determine possible fields of application.



Expected results:


To understand the effect of the chemical formulation of polyurethane gels on their final properties.


Development of polyurethane gels according to the desired properties for a specific end use in the furniture and/or rest sector and even for use in other industrial sectors.

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