FURNICERT moves forward successfully after its 3rd meeting in Dublin
The FURNICERT partners have held the third project meeting in Dublin (Ireland) hosted by Eurospeak. This meeting takes place in the middle of the project, so it has served the partners to lay the foundations for the next steps to be taken in order to successfully achieve the proposed objectives.
One of the tasks has been to review all the training material and the platform that is being developed, which will allow all those students or professionals in the furniture sector with a B1/B2 level to learn or improve their English.
The Furnicert project, funded by the Erasmus Plus programme, involves several international partners, including educational institutions, business associations and furniture companies from Poland, Ireland, Greece and Spain.
The consortium assures that in a few months we will have available the pilot course, which aims to improve the training of workers in the furniture sector on European territory, providing knowledge and practical tools that will allow them to improve quality and efficiency in production, and to better adapt to new market trends.