First meeting of the European CRAEFT project
CRAEFT project consortium meeting in FORTH, Crete.

CETEM has travelled this week to Heraklion (Greece) where the first meeting of the European project CRAEFT – Craft Understanding, Education, Training, and Preservation for Posterity and Prosperity took place at the headquarters of the Foundation for Research and Technology FORTH in Crete.
The aim of the meeting was to present the different representative sectors of artisan products included in the project, among which wood carving in Yecla will play a leading role. The idea is to digitalise the processes, materials, tools and associated ethnography of these artisan sectors through the use of 3D technologies, such as 3D scanning and modelling, virtual reality or haptic devices. The main objective is to preserve the artisan sectors and to promote them by supporting them with apprenticeship training and the valorisation of their products.
CRAEFT is funded by the Horizon Europe programme and is part of the topic: HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01-04 – Traditional crafts for the future: a new approach.