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Expected results:
Multifunctional sleep material that is part of the mattress structure (conductive foam rubber, conductive gel or similar), capable of varying its conductivity according to the pressure exerted on its surface in order to obtain a pressure map.
Hybridisation between traditional sensors (pressure sensors, traction sensors, fibre optics, etc.) and multifunctional structural materials to obtain a complete sensor system with high precision and a wide range of measurements.
An IoT module capable of acquiring data from the multifunctional materials and additional sensors (environmental, body temperature, etc.) and capable of transmitting the information wirelessly without the need for user configuration.
A wireless power transfer module capable of powering the mattress in order to facilitate the start-up of the system, making it (together with the data transmission module) a True Wireless system.
A machine learning model capable of making predictions about sleep quality from measurements obtained from the sensor module and sleep-related information.
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